Andrea Roy

Photograph Andrea
Title Undergraduate Researcher
Department Computer Science

Andrea Roy is a second-year student at the University of Illinois with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Statistics. He joined the SoTeRiA Lab in September 2020, and is currently focusing on computer science applications within the domain of PRA. His research interests include the role of software within PRA, probabilistic validation (PV), and computational platforms for risk analysis. Andrea’s primary research is on developing the methodology and computational platform for te Data-Theoretic NSF project.

Andrea is also a Course Developer for CS 196, an introductory computer science course at UIUC, developing class assignments and implementing autograders to test and grade student submissions. Over the summer, Andrea will be working at Northwestern Mutual on the Investments, Products and Services data team.

In his spare time, Andrea enjoys options trading and investing, coding, and playing basketball.

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