National Academies’ Panel on Evaluation of the Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology @ PSAM 16 conference

In 2021, the National Academies appointed an ad-hoc committee of 12 members to undertake a study to evaluate FAA’s Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology. This panel will discuss the report created by this committee.

Moderator: George Ligler (Professor and Dean’s Excellence Chair, Multidisciplinary Engineering, Texas A& M University; member of the National Academy of Engineering)


  • Eric Allison (Head of Product, Joby Aviation);
  • Leticia Cuellar-Hengartner (Data Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory); and
  • Zahra Mohaghegh (Associate Professor, Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Director of SoTeRiA Laboratory [])

This will be an in-person panel on Tuesday, June 28, from 1:30-3 PM at the 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management (PSAM 16) conference (

Further information about this project can be found here: The report titled “Evaluation of the Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology” is also available to download for free:

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