SoTeRiA Laboratory Presents Risk-Informed Analysis for Advanced Reactors, IAEA-Sponsored Project @ PSAM 16

SoTeRiA Lab will present “Risk-informed Analysis for Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors” at the 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management (PSAM 16) conference.

It is time-­critical to conduct research on risk-­informed analysis of advanced reactors, in parallel with technology developments, in order to establish scientifically-justifiable and technology-inclusive risk methodologies that support the nuclear industry and the regulatory agency. 

This talk summarizes the research findings and lessons learned from SoTeRiA’s research under an IAEA project focusing on advancing pipe failure rate analysis for advanced water-cooled reactors as input to PRA. Based on the outcomes and insights from this IAEA project, recommendations regarding the risk-informed analysis of advanced reactors will be provided.

This will be an in-person presentation on Tuesday, June 28, from 3:30-5 PM. If you are interested in this presentation, register for the PSAM 16 conference and attend the session on “Integration of Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods for Existing Plants and Advanced Reactors (T-22).”

Acknowledgment: Part of this work was conducted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the frame of the Coordinated Research Project I31030 on “Methodology for Assessing Pipe Failure Rates in Advanced Water-Cooled Reactors,” 2018-2021.

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