Jumpei Komaki

Photograph Jumpei Komaki
Title M.S. Student
Department Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering

Jumpei Komaki is currently a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in the Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering (NPRE) Department. He started his M.S. program in the NPRE department and joined the Socio-Technical Risk Analysis (SoTeRiA) Research Laboratory in 2021.

Jumpei obtained both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architectural Engineering at Kyoto University in Japan. Under the supervision of Professor Hayashi, an expert in seismic risk assessment and designing buildings to withstand large earthquakes, he collaborated with engineers from a Japanese construction company on a project regarding seismic risk assessment of seismic isolated buildings. In his university days, he contributed to seventeen academic papers, and won an award for the most outstanding presentation at an academic conference.

After graduating from Kyoto University in 2012, Jumpei joined the Japanese construction and engineering company, Kajima Corporation. Since then, he has worked on a variety of projects such as designing buildings, seismic evaluation of nuclear facilities, creating standards for the seismic design of seismic isolation nuclear facilities, and probabilistic seismic risk assessments for reactor buildings.

Working on these projects, he has become interested in enhancing the safety of nuclear power plants so that nuclear power can be used with ease, and his company has decided to support his research at UIUC. To achieve this goal, he plans to develop a more accurate and clear nuclear reliability and risk analysis methodology.

Email jkomaki2@nospam678f38e452a85.illinois.edu
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