Topic: Risk-informed Methodologies for Advanced Reactors: Needs, Challenges, and Case Study
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 12:40 PM – 4:10 PM EST
Presenters: Zahra Mohaghegh and Tatsuya Sakurahara (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Bengt Lydell (Sigma-Phase Inc.), Klaus Heckmann (GRS), Robertas Alzbutas (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
This workshop is fully virtual. Registration is required. You can find further details about the workshop, registration process, and the presenter bios here:
Description: To facilitate the deployment of advanced nuclear power reactors, it is time-critical to focus on the risk-informed analysis of advanced reactors prior to, or in parallel with, technology developments. In recent years, there have been major efforts in the PRA developments for advanced reactors and its use in risk-informed decision-making, such as the Licensing Modernization Project (LMP), development of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 53 (10CFR53) and other regulatory guidance by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), as well as issuance of the ASME/ANS Non-LWR Probabilistic Risk Assessment Standard (RA-S-1.4-2021); however, there are still significant research needs for methodology developments. One of the key methodological challenges is that a design-specific experiential database is often limited or not available for advanced reactors, while the applicability and relevancy of the experiential data from the existing fleet to advanced reactors may be questionable due to differences in design principles, physical conditions, and operation and maintenance procedures. This workshop discusses the challenges and highlights possible research paths to alleviate them. As an example of the recent research activities, the methodological advancements and benchmark studies in an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project, “Methodology for Assessing Pipe Failure Rates in Advanced Water Cooled Reactors (WCRs),” are demonstrated. Based on the outcomes and insights from this IAEA project and other recent research activities, recommendations regarding the risk-informed analysis of advanced reactors are provided.
Purpose of Workshop: Identify the needs and methodological challenges in risk-informed analysis for advanced nuclear power reactors. Discuss research directions and paths to address those needs and challenges to facilitate the deployment of advanced reactors. As a case study, demonstrate the ongoing IAEA coordinated research project and provide recommendations.
If you are already registered for the PSA 2021 conference and would like to register for this workshop, you can modify your registration through your confirmation email or contact Ashley Jiminian at We hope you will join us for this workshop. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.